Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Midnight Parties

There is an event in our home that is well known and coveted by the hooligans.  It is an event that happens on the rare occasion for each child without any warning.  They go to bed expecting a boring night of slumber until...BOOM!  A midnight party is in effect.

When we got married we were young and naive.  We thought all parents did was wait till they put the lil darlings to bed and then the wild rumpus begins.  We had visions of wild nights and fantastical parties.  We just knew all of the fun was happening after our bedtime.  That is until we became parents.

Sadly the reality is jack nothing goes on.  We can barely raise our arms to change the channel.  And, that is if we have the remote.  Sometimes we just stare at the news, too tired to find the friggin' thing.  There is no parties or fantastical adventures.  There is the pleasure of silence and mindless blather.  But, we wouldn't be awesome if our kids knew this truth. 

So, once in a blue mood a child is selected.  Usually the one most in need of believing our myth of awesomeness.  The child is gently woken up and we whisper "midnight party!"  They have heard of this mythical lore and can scarcely believe their luck at being the "chosen one".  We bring them to our room and jump on the bed.  We have a tickle fight until they are just awake enough to come into the family room.  Once there, we greet the child with cookies and milk or some such extravagance.  We cuddle up and tell stories or watch a forbidden show (nothing wacky). 

The best part is not the party but it is in the participation in the adult world forbidden to children that makes this event special.  The world that does not include children.  But, every once in awhile it should, if only to keep the dream alive!  Tonight I have chosen Dylan.  He has had some coke and m&m's, jumped on my bed and is now snuggled up next to me.  And this, my dear readers, keeps me awesome in the eyes of the people who matter most.

*Don't judge the picture.  He will get a good brushing tomorrow!

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